The Assembly Explained
Many people are reluctant to visit a church without first knowing something about what will be done there. So, we thought we would tell you something about our worship assemblies.
We welcome you to any of our services - in fact, you will be our honored guest!
Our one purpose of each assembly is to praise God and help us draw closer to Him; another is to learn from the Bible how to better serve Him each day of our lives. Our assemblies follow the pattern of the New Testament church found in the Bible, and our desire is to provide an atmosphere where all can worship God “in spirit and in truth” as Jesus directed (John 4:23).
Following is a descriptive list of each part of our worship services:
Prayers will be offered at various times during the assembly. Each prayer will be led by an appointed male member of the congregation, to thank God for His many blessings and request His continued mercy and protection.
Our song service will be done using our voices only, since Christians are commanded to sing and make melody in our hearts (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). No musical instruments are used; rather, the entire congregation will join their voices and hearts together in song. We encourage you to sing along with us!
The teaching will be done from the Bible by one or more appointed male members each of whom will speak one at a time. The teaching is designed to instruct and exhort everyone in the ways of righteousness (1 Corinthians 14:29-33). Bibles are provided so anyone who wishes may follow along with the speaker as he presents a lesson from God's word.
At the end of the lesson a song will be sung and the Lord’s invitation will be extended to anyone wishing to become a Christian.
Every first day of the week we will observe the Lord's Supper, also called the Communion. We will observe it just as it was done the night of our Lord's betrayal, as a joint participation of each disciple in the body and blood of Christ (1 Corinthians 10:16).
The male member selected to lead the congregation in the Communion observance will first give thanks for the bread, break a piece from it, eat it, and hand the remaining bread to another. In this manner, the bread will be passed to each member until the whole assembly has broken and eaten. He will next take the cup, give thanks for it, drink from it, and pass it on to each member until all have in like manner also drunk from it. This is the pattern given by Jesus in the New Testament, taught in the church by the Lord's Apostles, and repeated at this congregation every first day of the week (Matthew 26:26-28 / Acts 20:7)